The Q2 2023 What's Up MAK Newsletter is hot off the press!

Topics include:

  • MAK's upcoming charity event: Join us at our Dogs fore! Vets Topgolf Orlando Charity event on June 22 from 6-9pm
  • A customer success! The Naval Postgraduate School’s (NPS) MOVES Institute Relies on MAK ONE to Help Prepare Students for Simulation Success 
  • A brand new product video: VR-Engage, the MAK ONE Multi-Domain Multi-role Virtual Simulator
  • MAK in the wild: Len Granowetter's debut on the Warfighter Podcast, "What's all the fuss about platforms?"
  • AI: friend or foe? An Experiment with ChatGPT Customer Support by Jim Kogler
  • MAK news:
    • HLA 4 Passes the First Round of IEEE Balloting
    • MAK Earth - An Update on Bing Maps
    • Addressing Issues Caused by NVIDIA Driver Bugs
  • Tech Tips:
    • Applying Shader Effects to Map Layers
    • Squashing Bugs

From the Q2 What's Up MAK newsletter...

Join us at our Dogs fore! Vets Topgolf Charity event!

June 22, 2023  |  6:00-9:00pm  |  Topgolf Orlando

To raise money for our ongoing Dogs for Vets fundraiser in support of the National Guard Association of Michigan's "54 by 24" Campaign, MAK will be hosting a Dogs fore! Vets Topgolf fundraiser in Orlando, FL on June 22, 2023 from 6:00-9:00pm.

You're invited to join us for a night of fun, food, drinks, and friendly competition all in support of a good cause. Spaces are limited - sign up to play today!

Here's why it's so important.

Roughly 17 veterans die by suicide every day, and we want to help change that. Trained service dogs have been proven to have significant and long-lasting benefits for veterans who are suffering from both seen and unseen combat wounds. MAK has partnered with the National Guard Association of Michigan and Guardian Angels Medical Service Dogs to provide highly trained service dogs to two veterans in need, to help lower the statistics surrounding veteran suicide and elevate the quality of life for our nation's heroes. 

We invite you to consider supporting the Dogs fore! Vets TopGolf Fundraiser with a player sponsorship package that shows your appreciation for the men and women who have served our country and need our support. Sign up for a player sponsorship today!

ST Engineering

ST Engineering

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